Part II 'How the “Lost People” Can Find Themselves by Finding One Another'

2 years ago

“There are no sides, only angles. And if we see things from the right angle, we’re all on the same side.” -- Swami Beyondananda

Three months ago, amidst very little fanfare, we – Michael Maxsenti and Steve Bhaerman – launched a podcast to bring awakening individuals from all sides “front and center” to get off the political battlefields, and on to the cooperative playing fields, so that we could write humanity’s new story together.

At a time when the news “out there” emphasizes division and conflict, we recognized that the new story begins “in here” with an emerging desire to work together in fruitful collaboration, rather than waste our precious energy in fruitless battle. Our intention has been to spark a sane and sacred community that serves as a beacon for those ready to “create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”

We lifted that phrase from Charles Eisenstein’s book of the same name, and we chose Charles as our first guest to share his unifying vision, in contrast to the division currently dominating our public discourse. We had no idea where this first conversation would lead, and now after our first seven guests, we are both humbled and amazed how the new narrative has unfolded.

We’ve created two summary videos where our first guests help lead us “out of the bewilderness” by seeing both where we are coming from, and how we can get where we want to go. We’re hoping they will lift you off the battlefield, and motivate you to get onto the playing field we’re helping create. Build it, and they will come. Well, here it is …and welcome!

Please enjoy both of these, and we hope you’re as inspired as we were.

Please watch first, Foundational Video Part 1 – 'From Separation and Domination to Kinship and Reverence'

Part 2
A couple of months ago, we saw an article written in the 1990’s by author and talk show host Thom Hartmann called “The Lost People” that addressed something not often discussed – the disconnection of European people from their own indigenous culture. This disconnection and the trauma that resulted, helps explain why domination and exploitation has ruled the day – until now. Next, Glenn Aparicio Parry, author of “Original Politics”, offers insights on how the Native Peoples influenced the colonists and America’s founding institutions and “sacred purpose.” Finally, Joan Blades, founder of both and Living Room Conversations, shares her journey from partisan activist to transpartisan pioneer – and points us toward the “re-humanizing” conversations that provide the foundation for collaboration and reunion.

From this foundation of a unifying vision, an understanding of how separation occurred, and practical pathways to collaboration, cooperation, and community, we now seek to address divisive issues together in a constructive way, and explore the exciting solutions available to us if we work together, above and beyond our political institutions and distracting, divisive narratives.

Where Do We Go From Here?

As we look at the current political conversations based on “divide-and-conquer” we recognize the remedy – unite and prevail. We also see the sacred purpose of the United States of America, and its gift to the world – unity AND diversity, individual freedom in the context of sacred community. Please join us on our journey of reunion to turn the ideal into the real deal.

Here's how you can participate and contribute:

Become a Member – it’s FREE. You’ll become part of our “sane and sacred community” on , a place where we can share ideas free of censorship – and trolls.

Become a Supporter. Your one-time or ongoing monthly support will help us do our work, and build our community of collaborators, cooperators and connectors. You’ll also be able to post on our site to share your own work, as well as other information and resources. We will also be doing livestream programs in 2022 that you’ll be able to participate in directly.

Watch the Full Interviews here on our YouTube channel. We are creating a presence on YouTube as well so that more awakening folks can watch our conversations and share them with others.

The journey we are on today will determine the future of our species. Currently, we are threatened by a confluence of crises, and fomented fear seems to have us on course toward a “Hunger Games”-style dystopia. No external force or savior will save us. Only by waking and working together can we create this more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

Please join us on this journey!

Steve Bhaerman
Michael Maxsenti
December 1, 2021

Live transcript:

“Courage” Our Front and Center Theme Song

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