Calgary Freedom March 12th 2022

2 years ago

A few thousand Albertans marched through Calgary today for an end to all medical mandates and a return to freedom in Canada.

The march was halted partway along 17th Avenue by a police blockade, shielding a group of around 30 anti-freedom/pro-government "protestors". The rally has previously walked this route peacefully nearly every Saturday for the past year without incident, with police always clearing the road for safe passage.

The anti-freedom group first appeared last Saturday, after Calgary city councillor Courtney Walcott began an aggressive public incitement of hate campaign against the protestors, claiming that the thousands of men, women and children marching for freedom are actually "white supremacists in disguise".

Walcott was a known BLM activist before joining city council last October, and several BLM leaders were spotted among the anti-freedom group both last Saturday and today.

The freedom marchers held the line for an entire hour, until police finally allowed them to pass along the sidewalk and continue on their way.

Nothing can break the spirit or determination of these freedom-loving Canadians!

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