Seeking the Whole Truth Together TRAILER

2 years ago

A Conversation with Randall Paul
Foundation for Religious Diplomacy

What if the key to breakthrough is not getting opposing parties to agree – but getting them to disagree agreeably? To do so, says our guest this week, Randall Paul, we must transform opponents into “trustworthy rivals”. By creating “peaceful tension” among rivals who are both “critical and appreciative”, we find the “whole truth” together.

A lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he offers his own vision of “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible”: “God wants this world here and new before heaven to be a place where people who have differences can thrive together, and where the best of all worldviews can be digested and used by all tribes.”

Can we find unity in the heart, even as we fully express a diversity of beliefs? Tune in to find out.

Live transcript:

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