The protagonist's point of view 👀

2 years ago

We may not always agree with them, but protagonists are free to have their point of view. Unlike what readers might think, writers aren't playing God when writing a story but merely the co-author of every book. The protagonists run the show.

Granted, if you're reading about Jorge Hernandez in my Hernandez series, those points of view can get disturbing, can be sexist, and come from a very sharp tongue. This isn't a man who's hoping to be politically correct and doesn't care about your feelings. It's his story to tell as he wishes. You're merely the reader who's coming along for the ride. Some people stay for the whole thing, while others get out of the car on chapter one. It just depends on the kind of adventure you want.

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Canadian author Mima (aka Michelle M. Arsenault) is known for complicated and diverse characters, dark style, and never shying away from controversial topics.

Author of The Hernandez series - loyalty above all. There are no exceptions.

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