Elden Ring Part 9 - Giant Demi Human, Earthbore Cave, Storm Hill Exploration, StormveilCastle begins

2 years ago

Hey, all!

In this video we finish up exploring the Weeping Peninsula, taking on a Giant Demi Human thing, then clear out Earthbore Cave. After that it's back to Storm Hill and some exploring where we find another catacombs, and a large coliseum like building. After that, it's time to start heading towards Stormveil Castle. We being our infiltration of the castle finding it's protectors are more dangerous than they appear.

If you'd like to catch me live, I for sure stream on Sundays at 4pm EST, and Wednesdays at 5:30pm EST on twitch!

Be sure to comment below about the game! I'd love to hear what other people are thinking of it. Like the video, and subscribe for more!

Thanks, all

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