Christian Drosten's RT-PCR Scam

2 years ago

So-called "positive" results for the SARS-CoV-2 virus using the Positive Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) device has been fraudulently used throughout the COVID-19 PSYOP as the justification for keeping large portions of the world locked down since March, 2020. Did you know that the decision to do this was based upon the specious recommendation of just one man, Christian Drosten of Germany?

"Positive" PCR numbers--a large portion of which are from people who have no symptoms of an actual illness, nor ever would--were the triggers behind the the Draconian and unnecessary measures that were taken by governments throughout the world to unlawfully overthrow our civilization, destroy the lives of billions of people, and starve more than 40 million to death in the Third World.

However, experts are now coming forward, and denouncing mass PCR testing as foolhardy and nonsensical, if not outright criminal. Why? Because we now know that the PCR device was never designed to diagnose an infectious disease in anyone. It's a laboratory tool that was designed by its inventor, Kerry Mullis, to amplify and copy DNA for genetic research purposes, and the way it is still being used to diagnose patients as a new "COVID Case" is just another example of the many crimes that have been committed against humanity during the COVID-19 PSYOP.

Drosten Dossier...

RT-PCR Inventor Says Device Misused...

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