Project Sign, Project Grudge, Project Blue Book & Flying Dutch Ovens Offer Credit To Bob Lazar?

2 years ago

Our Episodes will now include Closed Captions on Youtube for Arabic, Chinese, English, Filipino, French, German, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai & Vietnamese. If you need a mastered language, contact me and I will deliver! /Salute!!!

We had a number of Tech issues once again with the motion templates I built and storage. I'm offloading all backup documents to our NAS which should keep us afloat until we have the new PC. Expect daily uploads once I have these severe technology changes fixed. /Salute Fam!!!

Welcome to episode 4! All documents discussed are part of the FOIA! Today we take a brief look at the dates available for Project Sign, Project Grudge & Project Blue Book. Please note that the series for Project Blue Book is extensive at so far ~20 Documents have been disclosed for the Project Series as of now. Special Report NO.14 is seemingly best documentation overview for a Majority of the episode as far as a catch-all sum.

We are lead to believe by Project Sign was the originating project, however dates begin in 1945-1949. Project Grudge is seemingly the second assignment based on intelligence(Legible dates of 1949). In addition we have Project Blue Book. This is seemingly a third group for gathering intelligence running from 1948-1954. We seem to have a number of conflicting dates once again.

We would like to determine the original project based group gathering data points. Our intention is to locate overlaps in dates for project based groups, to quantify the level of transparency between departments. If the concept of compartmentalization is at play we could have effected cohesive study's until most recently. There is a chance Projects Sign & Grudge were running at the same time within the Air Force; while Project Bluebook era may overlap between all branches including the Air Force.

Trick O'Moore
Father Bliss


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