Giving Thanks

3 years ago

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Private vs. Public -- Private Spiritual Life

Have you read David's psalm where he wrote, "I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart." Psalm 101:2

Hello, I'm Clarence, I'm the preacher, and I'm going to briefly explain this secret David gives us in the last 10 words of this Psalm.

Your Christian walk is not only a public walk. What you do in private, within your our house, when no one is looking is more important than what you do in public. Yes, what you do in public counts, but what you do in private better reveals what is really in your heart.

In one way it is a scary truth and many Christians will not even pause and evaluate their private behavior, even though it is the more important behavior. Let me be clear, God looks at the whole picture, public and private, but in this video, we are giving attention to the private aspect.

I might also remind you that God looks on the heart, not the outward appearance, according to1 Samuel 16:7.

When a person truly loves God with all their heart (Matthew 22:37-39), then private behavior, whether completely alone, or behind closed doors within the family unit, this area is a major focus. How we treat the people that live with us, in the privacy of our home, is a major indicator of our spiritual health. Now, if you live alone the following will not apply, but you may still glean a principle or two, so stay with me if you can and then I will get back around to you that live alone.

So, a couple of easy examples for married people and family people. First, Ephesians 5:22-33. Second, Ephesians 6:1-4).

Even if you live alone, there is still great opportunity to analyze and evaluate your spiritual health. For example, Matthew 6:33 and seeking first the kingdom. God is a Christian's priority 24/7. Christians don't take time off. Christianity is not something we do on Sunday; it is a lifestyle. It is not what we do, but who we are all the time.

So, if you live alone, you can still analyze and see if you truly prioritize God in private. Families often offer thanks when gathered for a meal, but what about when we eat in alone? There are certain programs on TV that people turn off when the preacher comes for a visit, but God is always visiting. If we don't want the preacher catching us watching a certain show, or reading a certain novel, but indulge when he is not around, then something is wrong.

Anyone can sit on the pew and look like a good Christian for one hour on Sunday morning, and then be on a social platform spewing hate and intolerance shortly after the worship service.

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