Fertilizer is killing your soil!

2 years ago

Spring is coming and I bet you are buying Artificial Fertilizer right now so you can have a great yield in just a few months.

What if I told you that the reason you are back to the store year after year is because it is now your only option. Your crops are most likely nowhere near as profitable or nutritious as they were just a few years ago. Your soil has grown dependent and your land is drying, dying, and crying for real sustenance.

Maybe it’s time to rethink your fertilizer costs and allocate those funds in another direction. One which breeds blooming and blossoming buds that grow better and better each year henceforth.

Let’s start with manure, you’ll need a lot, but you‘d be surprised how little you actually need. You’ll mix the manure along with grasses, green and brown, then toss in wood chips as you spray water all over it to activate the degradation of the complex nutritional structures into Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and many other gases that result in an easily absorbable nutrient dense foundation for your crops.

Here’s the most important part and this may go against what you’ve ever been taught, but Do Not Till your land!

The land you have been purchasing fertilizer for each year after having ruffed up thoroughly with your tillage mechanism has lost any and all of its natural nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and micro organisms grown and created over the previous grow period. This happens because the small environment between your topsoil and the B Horizon have been tossed around like a salad resulting in a loss of its moisture, gases, and essential nutrients into the atmosphere, which is the last place we want it to go.

To conclude: Don’t Till The Land after a harvest; just let the livestock eat the leftovers or mow it down. Even better would be to smash it down flat and letting the livestock eat it. Then place a good layer of your 2 month old compost, made of many different compounds, and start planting your next season. The nutrients in the fresh compost will seep down into the lower level of the land eventually merging together.

Repeat this process each season while saving both the planet from climate change and your wallet from losing change.

#regenerativeagriculture #regenerativeag #regenerative #farming #organic #soilhealth

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