Maria Gyllensvärd : The Power of Forgiveness

3 years ago

Bringing Living Hope

Did you know that there is power in forgiveness? We believe everyone has the possibility to get peace and help in relations. We believe every person has a need of the God presented in the Bible through the life and death of Jesus Christ. The God Who is the master of relations and is called the God of Peace!
"All have sinned. The whole life has been sin. Even the thoughts have been evil. Mark 7:21. And to be carnally minded is death. Therefore the life of sin is a living death. If the soul is not freed from this, it will end in eternal death. There is no power in man to get righteousness out of the holy law of God, therefore God in His mercy puts His own righteousness upon all that believe. He makes us righteous as a free gift out of the riches of His grace. He does this by His words, for He declares-speaks-His righteousness into and upon all who have faith in the blood of Christ, in Him is God’s righteousness, “for in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” And this declaring or speaking the righteousness of God upon us, is the remission or taking away of sin. Thus God takes away the sinful life by putting His own righteous life in its place. And this is the power of the forgiveness of sin. It is “the power of an endless life.” This is the beginning of the Christian life. It is receiving the life of God by faith. How is it continued?-Just as it is begun. “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him.” Colossians 2:6. For “the just shall live by faith.” The secret of living the Christian life is simply that of holding fast the life which, received at the beginning, forgives the sin . God forgives sin by taking it away. He justifies the ungodly by making him godly. He reconciles the rebel sinner to himself by taking away his rebellion, and making him a loyal and law-abiding subject. " Joseph Waggoner - The Power of Forgiveness

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