Did Joe Biden Undercut Centrist Democrats’ Argument Against ‘Wokeness’?

2 years ago

Joe Biden made it clear during his State of the Union address that he was against 'defund the police'. Instead, he said we should 'fund the force'. This didn't seem to phase Republicans who slammed him as being anti-police anyway.

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Emma: And so they had Biden come out aggressively and say like I'm against defunding. when there was no need even to really talk about it. he just brought it to the fore. and in the end, the republicans still attack him and say Biden and the democrats are for defunding the police. so it's just a way to kick the left and I don't see the value in it honestly.
Guest: so I guess I probably agree that it's not necessarily new to the left. I think what's new in my view at least is that the focus on data is part of it. like you have like a group of people who are very focused on my special data. my polls. I don't think in 1996 or 2006 that was as clear as we had. I did these special polls which showed Latino voters move right based on this one phrase. that I can. I think they're. I think this sort of and I view Biden a little bit differently which is I don't think that he is necessarily trying to choose sides. I think he's around so many establishment moderate democrats who say to him all the time the left is killing us Deepa. I think he genuinely might believe that you know saying what he said is going to help. I don't see much evidence for that. but I think if your entire circle is these kinds of democrats who told you you won in 2020 because you pushed the left aside. I think I think he might be less cynical than other people doing this.
Sam: Well let me ask you about this. What do you think the impact of him saying that will be? be I mean because on some level I mean look I I I'm with Emma I think it was gratuitous. but he said it and supposedly this is what the moderates wanted. this was going to be the cure-all right? I mean and so did he if he and I agree with you I don't think that he's I you know i i think he's you know his engagement in this stuff I think is of a different sort than maybe let's say a Josh Gottheimer. let's put it that way.

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