Waiting For a Miscarriage | Our Pregnancy Loss Journey

3 years ago

Last week we shared our sad news that we lost the baby to a missed miscarriage. If you missed that video, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/528QbCeJDl0

In this video, we share our gratitude for the ability to process the loss mentally before having to do so physically.

But at the same time - waiting is HARD.

I reached the point where I was mentally done with the waiting part, and ready to take matters into my own hands by taking some herbs to complete the miscarriage… but eventually came to the conclusion that my heart behind this was not in alignment with following Jesus.

We decided to lean into the process rather than push through it - which has helped us to make sure we are growing and taking everything that God has for us in this.



💙The Comstock Clan


We share ways that we are learning to follow God, live intentionally, and do life together in order to build a culture of faith, family, fun, and freedom.


Along with Christy’s parents who live with us, we have 7 kids ages 13 and under, we homeschool, do our best to live a healthy lifestyle, and we love the outdoors, adventure, and learning new things.


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