God is good all the time 462: False Teachers, The Ukraine and Putin

2 years ago

Yes I am at the false teachers again because I have gotten fed up with all the lies that they have been perpetrating on the body of Christ and the deception of believers. In the last 2 weeks I have seen just about every false teacher, Prophet and Apostle get themselves caught up in the lies that they are trying to put out that they have prophesied all that has happened when none had ever said anything about the war from Russia, BUT NOW they have gone to amend their statements. And they still fail to see that by amending their statements or saying this was part of the prophesy in the first place they have been caught in their own lies. I have brought this up so that everyone who might be thinking that these people are ok can see that they are not and they are deceiving God's people. Come and see what and how they have really stepped into it with the Ukraine and Putin

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