Abruzzo part 1 of 4 - Appetizer - Crostini alla Chietina - Chieti Style Croutons

2 years ago

Ciao Buongustai,
Our first Region, in alphabetical order, is Abruzzo: a wonderful land where sea and country duel to be the stars of the table. Let’s get started with a typical Antipasto, an appetizer, called Crostini alla Chietina, Chieti style croutons, being Chieti an amazing city in Abruzzo.
For 4 servings We need:
4 slices of bread,
one large egg,
a pinch of salt, to taste,
a pinch of pepper,
12 anchovies,
some capers,
a tablespoon of softened butter,
a tablespoon of olive oil.
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