GetEsoteric - Live Chat Feed....

3 years ago

GetEsoteric - Our spiritual experiences - Skip to 36 minute mark or so for the start of the show. Sorry folks tonight's live was a bit messy with Facebook technical issues, as well as lack of participation tonight for some reason. If folks have a preferred night to come on let me know. I will be sharing more of my personal stories and journey as we go. There were some decent parts we discussed, and seriously checkout those videos from the 80s I showed you, it's a great story and journey to explore.
Parts one and two can be found on my website here:

Hello folks for our weekly LIVEs, here are the instructions for our weekly show, or even for our ad hoc lives! if you want to chat or be a guest on the show. Click on the "more link" below to see both setup links.

(First step): If you do the following just once, we won't have that problem with the chat name passthrough from Facebook anymore. You only have to do the following step once. Set it and forget it :-)

To fix the Facebook chat... click here and allow Facebook access to restream!

(Second Step): to dial in as a guest on the show, you'll have to click on the link below. Up to 10 participants are allowed there.

Otherwise if you're not participating live... you can just keep watching on Facebook or YouTube. Or you can alternatively tune in on our website directly. This will also work if we get cutoff here on the live.

To join us live as a guest on the show (Video & Audio, or just Audio),. click this link!

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