I do not care what mockers and scoffers have to say

2 years ago

I do not care what mockers and scoffers have to say at all they are just clouds without air and they will be left behind when thousands of people are just gone but the lukewarm phony church people, mockers and scoffers, wicked will not be gone at all they all will be left behind to endure the 7 year tribulation and it is 7 years long because God will be pouring out His wrath and judgements on everyone left behind!! There were mockers and scoffers in Noah day and they got left outside the ark and drowned, same with the wicked in Sodom and Gomorrah and the Jews mocked and scoffed at Jeremiah and then jersalem got attacked and destroyed by Babylon, same now people mock and scoff all the time and they will moarn when thousands of people are just gone and they are left behind!! So keep mocking and scoffing because you will moarn when thousands of people are gone and you are left behind and mockers and scoffers will taste God judgement on them!! So go ahead and mock and scoff because God sees you doing it and will punish those who mock and scoff and there is nothing you can do about it!!

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