Show sample for 3/10/22: BIO ILLOGICAL W/ JAMES PONDER

2 years ago

Recently, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that there are chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine. Her confession does shed critical light on several important issues and raises vital questions that deserve answers. Who is funding the Bio-labs? How much of a threat are they to neighboring countries? This startling revelation should vindicate so-called conspiracy theorists who insist that fact-checkers have some sort of penchant for attacking anyone that wishes to go into the margins of the mainstream narrative and report what they see as a potential problem in this war of disinformation. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with military and security analyst, James Ponder about BIO ILLOGICAL. #GroundZero #ClydeLewis #BioIllogical

Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis is live M-F from 7-10pm, pacific time, and streamed for free at There is a delayed broadcast on our local Portland affiliate station, KPAM 860, from 9pm-12am, pacific time. For radio affiliates near you, go to To listen by phone: 717-734-6922. To call into the show: 503-225-0860. The transcript of each episode will be posted after the show at

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