Killed human

3 years ago

Statistics show that in the year 2009, sharks attacked about 83 humans around the world even without provocation. In 2013 to 2017, this figure remained the same on average.

But the latest research shows that this figure has increased in many parts of the world.

The number of human shark attacks has doubled in the past 20 years in the eastern US and southern Australia.

Such cases have increased around the Hawaiian Islands as well.

According to researcher Gavin Naylor, who co-authored the International Shark Attack File, "It is a strange coincidence that the area where sharks attacked humans was equal to the number of humans and sharks present in that part of the ocean."

But here it is important to know in which areas sharks are attacking humans more. In Australia and East America, a large number of people enjoy sea waves.

Obviously, this is where there are more cases of shark attacks.

At the same time, there is a high number of seal fish in the sea of ​​southern Australia, which is a favorite prey of sharks. Therefore, the figures of such cases are less here.

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In 1972, the Marine Mammal Act was implemented in America for the protection of marine life. After which the number of seals has increased a lot here. After this, the number of white sharks in the sea has also increased significantly.

But the sad thing is, cases of their attacks have increased in Massachusetts.

Last year, in Massachusetts, for the first time in 82 years, someone lost his life due to a shark attack.

But scientists say that there is no strong evidence that sharks are very actively attacking humans.

For example, in the North Atlantic, sharks reach here according to the season. In the cold season, sharks come here to live in warm water.

Only the big sharks live upstream in the open ocean, the rest prefer to stay in the depths of the water. They find their prey only in the depths of the ocean.

According to researcher Naylor, sharks are not interested in hunting humans. Many times a person enjoying the waves on the surface of the sea does not even know that the shark is walking along with him.

You may remember that a few years ago in Hawaii, Ocean Ramsey set a world record by swimming with a 20-foot-long White Shark. But the way cases of shark attacks are coming out, it seems that the reason is something else.

Last year, 66 cases of shark attacks on humans were reported, which was about 20 percent less than a year ago. Of these, there were only 4 such cases, in which the attack was quite fatal. In seven of these cases, the human had died. So far this year too, the number of fatal shark attacks

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