Paul Leendertse - The Root Cause Of Cancer

3 years ago

Today on the Naturally Inspired Podcast Paul Leendertse is joining us. Paul Leendertse has been a health and holistic lifestyle coach for over 17 years guiding people into health, happiness and connection with their Authentic Self. Through years of experience with clients facing severe health challenges (often 3 and 4 stage cancer patients), Paul has become significantly skilled in identifying the root cause of clients individual health and life challenges. The root cause is the main factor - which, if it is not addressed and resolved, prevents full healing. Paul is often hired by people that have been told nothing can be done, or people that have gone to various therapists for years trying to understand their physical, mental or emotional challenges, and had almost given up. To create a healthy body and emotional wellbeing, Paul teaches health in the physical realm through nutrition and exercise; in the mental realm through meditation and effective use of the mind; in the emotional realm through his Real-Self Emotional Healing Process; and in the spiritual realm by helping connect his clients to their uniqe desires, dreams, Soul-Purpose and personal contribution to our world. Learn more about Paul at
Please welcome Paul Leendertse to the Naturally Inspired Podcast.

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Paul Leendertse Cancer Healing Covid Virus Vaccine Pandemic Mask Mandate Lockdown Natural Health Movement Mindset Minerals Health Freedom Medical Freedom Tammy Cuthbert Garcia Naturally Inspired Podcast

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