The Lives of Others

2 years ago

If you ever wanted to know what it's like to live in a Communist society, like the Technocratic New World Order society that humanity is currently being hered into, where you remain under constant surveillance by a Leftist Totalitarian government, then you should watch this classic movie. The Lives of Others is an award-winning film made in 2006 which focuses on what life was like in East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
It isn't hard to draw parallels between what happened in Communist East Germany under the watchful eye of the East Germany's Main Directorate for Reconnaissance (Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung, a.k.a., the Stasi), and what's happening right now here in America under the jackboot of the 16-Agency surveillance [police] state that has been grown-up around us ever since 9/11.
What's truly ironic about all of this is that Marcus Wolfe, the former number two guy at the Stasi was actually paid as a consultant to help the Bush administration design the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. [1] For 70 plus years, we were taught to hate and fear Communism and Fascism. Now, America has become a mixture of both of those things, just like the Edomite central banking families who rule over our society have been planning for over 100 years.
Markus Wolfe, Founder of E. German Stasi and Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

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