03/11/22 Fri. Jussie, Tip of the Iceberg! Biden the Obama Holdover!

2 years ago

Jussie sentenced! Based Florida fights back! Evil mamas and Ukraine supporters! Obama-Biden's punishing energy prices!
0:00:00 Fri, Mar 11, 2022
0:02:04 Hey, guys!
0:05:02 Jussie Smollett
0:11:06 Based Florida
0:18:59 MARK, UK: media brainwashing people
0:35:10 Supers: Marijuana, Satan worshippers
0:41:09 Mamas on Mental Health
0:47:32 NICK, UK: Green New Deal, etc.
0:56:13 Supers: black Spawn
0:58:34 "American War Machine" - Huntingtons
1:01:37 Reading chat
1:04:20 Ukraine hype: kids, yard signs
1:11:10 Obama spiking gasoline, electricity
1:28:01 DAN, NY: Gossiping! Bagel Queen?
1:38:55 BOBBY: Voting vs. Civil War
1:53:22 Supers: Facebook, lies, victimhood
1:59:39 "Hallow's Beach" - Quincas Moreira

The Hake Report, Friday, March 11, 2022 AD: Mixed black "not morally straight" actor Jussie Smollett sentenced to 150 days for fake "hate crime" hoax. // Ron DeSantis and Florida fights back against the attack on whites, kids, and straights: Stop WOKE Act, "Don't Say Gay"! // DOOM AND GLOOM CALLS from UK and Texas! The cards stacked against us! Right-wing infighting! (See below!) // TheSkimm: young mothers talk about "mental health" amid the "pandemic." // Ukraine hype pushed by establishment: evil UNICEF and lame yard signs! // FLASHBACK: Obama and "Biden" admins seek to spike energy prices! //

MUSIC: Huntingtons - "American War Machine" - Plastic Surgery (2000, Tooth and Nail Records) // Quincas Moreira - "Hallow's Beach" - YouTube Audio Library (Chris selection) //

Mark from the UK rattles off the way the world is against what's right, pushed by the media!
Nick from the UK talks about the scam of the Green New Deal against the people!
Dan from Brooklyn, NY, lashes out at fellow J6'ers, dating single mother Bagel Queen?!
Bobby from Texas doesn't think voting will work, also thinks another "Civil War" is coming!
Diante (sp? Dionte?) from Florida asks if Rubio's a RINO, hopes to discuss biolabs next time!

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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