An Easy Stock Trading Platform Set-Up for Beginners

2 years ago

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Let me show you an easy stock trading platform set-up for you as a beginner. I remember the feeling of being overwhelmed when I first got started into the stock market, especially when it came to the trading platform itself. Technology is a great thing, don’t get me wrong, but wow... these platforms can offer so many features and tools it’ll make your head spin. I’ve been trading for almost two decades now and I’ll be the first to admit that platforms can still be overwhelming to me! There truly are so many tools and choices its hard to keep up with it all, particularly when platforms are constantly getting updates. The good news is, your trading platform does not need to be vastly complex and complicated. You can apply the good ol’ adage, “KISS” (keep-it-simple-stupid) and put yourself in a solid position to begin getting better results as a trader. In this video I will show you some of the core tools and features that you should at least get started with. Sure, you can change them around and get a bit fancy with them later on, but at the start... let’s just keep it simple and efficient! If you want an easy set-up that will keep you focused on the key dynamics that matter most to us as trader, then this will be a video for you! Let’s make our life a bit easier as traders!

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