[#Covfefe Break] Farewell, #Covfefe Break! | With Sunny Lohmann and Lou Perez

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Carter is joined by special guests Lou Perez (We the Internet TV) and Sunny Lohmann (House of Sunny) for this series finale episode of #CovfefeBreak. Lou begins by explaining that while he sympathizes with the Ukraine people, he will not be doing any fighting there himself. This leads to a discussion of false flag warnings coming from the Biden administration and a recognition that Alex Jones has been right more often than most people would like to admit. Next, the trio contemplates Victoria Nuland's recent testimony regarding biological laboratories in the Ukraine, noting her concern that Russians might obtain dangerous "research materials." A broader conversation ensues about US government subsidies to shipping from China, tightening US regulations on production, and the resultant perturbation to the free market. DuckDuckGo's announcement that it will down-rank "Russian disinformation" is reviewed, along with the disturbing fact that YouTube deleted Oliver Stone's popular documentary "Ukraine on Fire," presumably because it didn't fit the pro-Zelenskyy narrative. This leads to a discussion about Europe's false dichotomy of "fascist" vs. "communist."

The group pauses for a moment to laugh at the relentless drama of Jussie Smollett as they consider the possibility that he may have compromising information on the Clintons. Then they return to Ukraine, criticizing Facebook's recent decision to allow calls for violence against Russians. Carter describes the bifurcation of Ukraine with an election map from 2004, and Sunny talks about the history of Russian expansion. They agree on military isolationism before covering rising gas prices and revelations that the Department of Health and Human Services paid media networks and influencers to push an official narrative about COVID jabs and their efficacy. They note that the White House is similarly giving TikTok stars talking points about Ukraine, and conclude the democracy is merely the dictatorship of the most effective zombie necromancers.

Follow Sunny online, visit:
Twitter: @sunnylohmann

Follow Lou Perez on Twitter: @TheLouPerez
And buy Lou's upcoming book here:

Farewell, #CovefeBreak! We'll miss you! <3

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