Obiden's Attack on Energy

2 years ago

By 2019, America was an energy independent nation. We were no longer had to rely upon energy imports from any other country. In fact, we were exporting surplus oil to other countries. We have unlimited amounts of oil in the ground, and about a 1,000 years worth of clean-burning Bauxite coal right here in Alaska, where I live.
Don't believe the lies. Oil is not a fossil fuel, it's abiotic. Think about how much oil has been produced over the past 100 years. There never was enough biological life on this planet that could have produced the multi-trillions of barrels of oil that have been produced so far. Do you know how many dinosaurs it would take in order to make just one barrel of oil? Come on. Get real! There's never been enough biological life on Earth to have created all that oil. Impossible!
Peak oil was a myth started by the oil companies in order to add artificial value to something that was not only just plentiful, it's self-renewing. The Earth continuously produces oil as a byproduct of natural processes going on deep within the the planet's mantle. Geological science, and drilling beyond the Earth's crust (by Russia, in fact) has proved that.
Peak oil is a myth, and so too is the idea that the Earth's climate is being adversely affected by the burning of fossil fuels. A single volcanic eruption releases ten times more carbon dioxide (the "gas of life") into the atmosphere than all of humanity does by driving cars during a whole year. Modern coal-fired power plants release only carbon dioxide and water vapor into the atmosphere, neither of which are harmful to our planet.
Pollution is a real problem, but carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It's required by plants (in fact, by all life) in order to survive, and plants can't get enough of it. Seriously. Man-made global warming is another myth, which was also debunked by real science, so now they say the Globalists tell us that "climate change" (LOL) is the new Bogyman we must be afraid of. What happened to their "global freezing" myth in the 1970s, and there "global warming" myth of the 1990s? My God. So now, it's just "climate change." Hmmm The climate is always changing. It always has, and always will. That's like telling you to be scared of your own shadow. The Sun is the main driver of our climate, and always has been. The second greatest influence is water vapor, which is the most prevalent "greenhouse gas" in the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas, not because it accumulates in the upper atmosphere, which would be impossible due to its high molecular weight, it's called that because it's always been pumped into greenhouses in order to make plants grow more vigorously-- a "greenhouse gas."
Climate change, whatever that now means, is sold to the public as a "global problem" because such a problem, if it were actually a real one, would require a global solution--the Globalist's solution, a solution that would require global governance under a Technocratic, unelected government, under which the individual human rights of mankind, like those which are guaranteed by our nation's Constitution, would be lost forever.
A global, one-world government--a New World Order, has always been the wet dream of the central banking families. Never forget, folks, it is they who are the real power in this world. Nothing happens unless it's part of one of their evil plans, and nothing happens without the unlimited amounts of unredeemable, unbacked, counterfeit currency that our Congress gave them the exclusive right to produce in 1913.
The thirteen central banking families own and/or control this world, and we are their slaves. That is until we restore the Honest Monetary System that we had in America between 1836-1913, which was the most prosperous period of time in our nation's history.

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