A Stupid Plane Crash

2 years ago

A pilot who padded his resume to make you think he was something he wasn't.

Probable Cause Dan Gryder exposes why this stupid plane crash occurred.

The pilot was a black man who had a passenger who was a black woman.

Is this information revelant?

Yes, it identifies who was flying the plane and who the passenger was.

In todays cancel culture they don't want you to include the race information sometimes if the race information included in the story would make the person look bad in some way.

Is that a relevant reason to leave the race information out of a story, NO.

It would be appropriate to indicate race in this story because it is relevant to identify who the people were that died in this plane crash that happened for stupid reasons.

The same would be if the people were another race.

Often race bating obscures the story and its contents.

This is done over and over often to hide responsibility and manufacture a reason to point to someone as a racist etc.

The bottom line of this story is it really was a stupid plane crash because the pilot made stupid decisions before flying the plane and while "flying" the plane.

This is simply telling like it is without any excuses for incompetence.

It is easy to race bate people to obscure incompetence.

Race bating is just one way to do it. There are many other ways.


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