Elden Ring - Erdtree Avatar - Review

2 years ago

Erdtree Avatar is a nostalgic pleasure for me. I'm sure it's no shock to everyone that this boss is basically a Stray Demon from Dark Souls and it put a huge smile on my face. I've always loved this design and apparently so does From Software. Others may not like the fact that they are using an old idea but I personally see nothing wrong with it. Apparently this boss appears several times throughout the game and I'm looking forward to every single one on my journey. Once again, I will not be reviewing everyone of those encounters unless there's something significantly new to analyze.

I would go as far to say that this is the definitive version of the concept so far. it's still simple but extremely fun to fight and there's nothing wrong with that. Plenty of new players will have trouble with this boss because it's unfamiliar to them if they haven't played the Souls games. Boss designs like this helps motivate players to improve and get motivated to progress and I wish there was more like this in the caves and catacombs instead of the bosses that can be destroyed in just a few hits.

The arenas have been getting gradually better however the music is still a hit or miss with reused or mundane tracks. I especially love this battle field with dead pot men scattered around that can shatter with a huge majestic tree in the back.

Most of the attacks basically look the same but with small animation differences which can be evaded consistently. The magical attacks are stunning especially the light tracking orbs that's very satisfying to run away from. I just really enjoyed this boss even though it's not as overly complex like many to come. Perhaps my nostalgia is taking over and blinding my judgment however a boss doesn't always need to be difficult to be fun.

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