Truck Drivers Protest Mainstream Media - 7 News Western Australia

2 years ago

Truckies parked up outside channel 7 studios in Osborne Park , Western Australia and tooted the hell out of their horns to get the attention of the mainstream media.The truckies were there to get the attention of the mainstream media to show them that they want to be heard. The truckies want the mandates to end and want the government to end the mandates that require school kids to wear masks in Western Australia.

Stop the mandates

Not one mainstream journalist or cameraman showed to cover the story. which is quite typical of the mainstream media in todays standards of MSM. Luckily there were a few of us there to report this.

Although one sports journalist came out to greet Ben Cousins, the former West Coast Eagles and Richmond Tigers AFL footballer must have had an arranged meeting with 7 sports journalist, Adrian Barich.

For more videos on this, checkout

The Bellman Report on Youtube
Max Freedom on Youtube
Scorpion Media on Youtube

Friday 11th March , 2022

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#withouttrucksaustraliastops #freedomconvoy #stopthemandates #7newsperth #realnews #wethepeople #holdtheline #nojabnojob #Osbornepark #bencousins #adrianbarich #afl #aflfootball #hanglooserecluse

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