Shining Light Unto the Darkness - Late Night Telegram Live with Gail Golec

2 years ago

Long day out their campaigning and I have been doing so many things behind the scenes that I just felt like I needed to get in front of everyone and share a little bit of what is going on and answer some questions from my followers on a Telegram live.

I have some breaking news that I have not had the time to get out there, which is another reason I jumped on to give you all an update.

No make up refresh. No hair combing after a huge wind storm and out there getting signatures for my petition. Spontaneaous. Just me at the end of the day. I'm just being real with you all. That's me. (Perhaps a bit of regret there, but oh well, it's not a beauty pageant.) I'm ready to fight for YOU!

So stay tuned and check it out! Be sure to like, subscribe and share!

Please join me on my Telegram Channel at

Dan Schultz founder of and who has recently been endorsed by President Donald J. Trump and Mike Lindell and has been appearing regularly on Steve Bannon's War Room, joins Gail Golec to discuss the recent "emergency" law that removes the power of the People, specifically the Precinct Committemen in a new law that was passed in one day.

Here is a Link to the Bill HB2839:

Please note that it appears that the PC changes are not highlighted in Blue as is customary. To me this looks intentional as they were trying to sneak this through.

We discuss this as well as Constitutional remedies to the election that the same Legistlature failed and continue to fail to act upon.

Gail Golec is an American at Birth and a Warrior by Choice.

Please consider helping to support this battle to restore the Republic. My investigative journalism and activist role in fighting for freedom here in Arizona and across America has led me to seek Office as Maricopa County Board of Supervisor.

I will continue to be a Voice for the People, exposing and sharing my findings while I am in office too. We must clean this up and clean this up now!

Here is a link to my Maricopa County Board of Supervisor campaign website where you may sign my Petition, Donate, Volunteer and of course Learn More:

You may donate to any of these three platforms to support my Citizen Journalism Thanks to you ALL in advance for watching and for your support!!

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The Truth Shall Set Us Free. Let Freedom Ring!

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