An Orgy Of Crime And Lies

2 years ago

An Orgy Of Lies And Crime

In 1999 the battle of Seattle played out on our tv screens. It was at that time our very own brown shirts were being groomed for what was to come. They were young in those days and radical as they can be. 21 years later they’re seasoned sphincter muscles, trained agitators that can teach their skills to larger groups. Keep in mind that a small number can achieve these results if they know what they’re doing.
This is the wikipedia page regarding that incident.

in 2013 BLM first surfaced in a facebook post. #blacklivesmatter was first used by a black community organizer (A Saul Alinsky Marxist agitator like Obama) after the acquittal of George Zimmerman who had the unmitigated audacity to defend himself from the ambushing dunce that was beating his head against the concrete. Both Trayvon and George were cretins. It led to this.

In early 2016 Obama gave his state of the Union and said that foreign money could now begin flowing into elections through the unions and large superpacs and corporations. I got into a bit of an argument with a leftist at work who thought it was wrong for the SCOTUS to allow this. I agreed with him that it is wrong and yet I applaud the decision because up until this point only the unions were allowed to be like that. He walked away in a huff and I went back to whatever I was doing. Here’s the left response to the entire thing.

In 2016 Donald Trump won the election and these groups were well organized and funded. In the next four years it was noted that there was a core group that was bussed to various locations and funded by someone. As you will discover it was the same evil old liver spot doing it here as was doing it in Ukraine.

In 2017 there was a Unite The Right Rally in Charlottesville South Carolina. The big incideent is in the link below. If you watch the video I provide the link to you can see what happened by starting at 1:14:28

In 2020 they were ready for action with their recruits. They metastasized during the Obama years and sprang into action the moment Hillary lost the election. There had been a few dustups which were dry runs. None of the incidents were as shocking as George Floyd’s death. That one had all of the optics they needed in order ramp it up. They used the hashtag #J25 to organize this.

In 2020 in November the election was stolen and it was followed by the next wave of insurrections on January 6th. It was a lie.

In 2021 Biden screwed all of us with his green new deal and Broke back Better policy. Once again I have the links to the NGO story about the elites using NGO’s to undermine our elections and rights in general. I’ll also have the link to the Times article about how they used covid and TDS to justify rewriting laws for the cheat. These days when I see U. S. Chamber of Commerce on a business I move on. Read that article and you’ll see why.

Here we are in 2022 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine has wiped out the covid virus, the mandates and Faucci has vanished into thin air.

I know that many of you out there are concerned about Jussiet Smolliete. That was indeed a strange thing to say regarding not being suicidal. He’s nowhere as perverted as Epstein and probably doesn’t have anything to hold over high flying politicians. Maybe a soap on a rope was offered to him to ease future pain and he took it as a threat. I mean really the only part of this that will be new to him is the cage.

Ukraine on Fire Oliver Stone 2016
Anything look really familiar?

To those cowering in the shadows while everyone else rises up. This is written by a son to be former liberal!
I’m not brave you’re just a pussy! Great article.

Serpentza and Laoway86 discuss Russia and Chinese relations and provide some interesting history. They’ve lived over there.

The link below is about how NGOs are being used to take over our society.

This is the Time article I referred to. Much of this won’t repeat, but it looks like they’re about to try to pull another fast one.

Even the FBI is now admitting there was no organized insurrection. So surprising.

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