Explaining Ukraine In 5 Minutes 3-10-22

2 years ago

The war in Ukraine seems very complicated at first glance... But the situation becomes much easier to understand if we look at it as THREE SEPARATE WARS that happen to overlap. I'll give an executive summary explanation in this video.

My focus is on how American foreign policy helped create this mess. The reason I'm not focusing on Putin's role in this war is because we have no real control over him. Putin is going to do what Putin is going to do, and our politicians should all know this! Additionally, Putin has a long history of taking advantage of the strategic opportunities that we give him, and the war in Ukraine would have been very easy to prevent if our politicians hadn't been so corrupt and ignorant.

So I'm going to focus this video on how we (America) helped cause this mess... and in a follow up video, I will discuss potential solutions.

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This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

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