3 years ago

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All negative side effects aside, the point that seems to continue to evade people, which shuts every other argument down, is that these vaccines admittedly do NOTHING to prevent spreading or contracting Covid-19.

The ONLY thing this vaccine does (straight from Dr. Anthony Fauci's own mouth) is reduce symptoms when you do catch the virus.

So why the lotteries? Why rush into arbitrarily vaccinating the vulnerable and children when there have been no studies to prove that they are suddenly safe for these demographics, spare for the passage of a couple of months time.

Bottom line is that WE are THE trials and we are actively being experimented with in real time.

Yet, all the vaccine is effectively doing is turning those who get it into a super spreader when they walk around not realizing that they are sick. With that said, this cough syrup in a needle effectively doing more harm than good.

It's really a simple cause and effect scenario, no science even required.

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