This is how financial freedom dies -- CBDC's, by Sorelle Amore Finance, 2022-03-10

3 years ago

Sorelle Amore Finance

How financial freedom dies: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). In this video, I'm going to share with you something that's coming ... but maybe, something most of us don't want.

Central Bank Digital Currencies, also known as CBDCs, are proposed digital currencies like Bitcoin, that some nations have already started rolling out. But unlike crypto, they won't be decentralized. And even more worrying, they'll be programmable, giving your government the ability to change the way you use your money.

0:00 - Money and power
0:48 - Central Bank Digital Currency is coming
1:41 - Financial control in Canada
3:20 - An imbalance of financial power
4:21 - Introducing CBDCs
7:07 - Programming your money
9:47 - Why China's rules may be coming here
12:02 - The solution
14:30 - Some final thoughts

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