SN1206: Abolishing America, Pandemic Treaties & Foreign Entanglements | Factions Of Freedom

2 years ago

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Seems like things are really heating up in this war for The Great Reset, and at the same time, things seem to be taking an unusually natural course of events. We're talking about bioweapons research facilities funded by the United States found in Ukraine in this edition, and on top of that, how the truth surrounding the so-called 'vaccines' is beginning to come out. It doesn't stop there though, if anything, that's where it goes. We start the transmission off by going over how anti-liberty leftists are actually calling for the abolition of the United States Constitution.

We're beginning to see what the result of not only failed policies are, but the disasterous consequences they also reap. We are being told that our cost-of-living is up due to the war abroad, but that isn't true. The cost-of-living under the Biden Regime has gone up the very minute he stole office, and even said that, particulary when addressing the oil and gas industry. My point is this: This is an organized and engineered deindustrialization program being deployed onto the populous.

So, as these truths come out, rather than confronting them, the global elite are doubling down. The World Health Organization has advanced their plans for a 'pandemic treaty' which would allow for the governmental usurpation of nation's constitutions. All of this is unfolding as we're being told that the pandemic is endemic and everything is fine. Surely everyone must feel the drums of war beating as these crooked politicians are speaking.

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