LEFT REPORT PART 1.4: The Frankfurt School, Lukács, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Reich

2 years ago

--The Institute for Social Research (aka: the Frankfurt School)
--Georg Lukács
--Max Horkheimer
--Herbert Marcuse
--Marcuse’s Repressive Tolerance the Language of International Forums
--Liberating Tolerances Itemized as “Others” and Positioned to Negate the Repressive
--Frankfurt Joins the “Long March”
--The Strange—Leveraging Psychoanalysis
--Wilhelm Reich
--The Return of Max Horkheimer
--Closing Thoughts on the Frankfurt School

This is the audio version of the Unconstrained Analytics report, "Remembering the Mis-Remembered Left: The Left’s Strategy and Tactics To Transform America," by Stephen Coughlin and Rich Higgins.

The report is narrated by Chris Gaubatz.

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