東北・桜 Tohoku Sakura (credits in description below)

3 years ago

I uploaded this to another platform on this date a year ago on the 10 year anniversary of the big east Japan triple disaster. This is a song of hope for the people of Tohoku.



Since making this video, we have had some new people join our group and we've added to the instrumental parts. We would like to do a video of the newer version some day, but until then, please listen to this version and pray for Japan.

Original poem in English: Deborah Ruth Trotter
Japanese translation for lyrics: Keiko Tanaka
Music composition for melody, piano and taishogoto: Mariko Mashimo
Used that to produce part for electric sax (clarinet mode): Hiromu Shinohara
Other members contributed a little to adjustments and harmony.
On piano: Mariko Mashimo
On drum Yoko Kobayashi
On electric sax (clarinet mode): Hiromu Shinohara
taishogoto: Deborah Ruth Trotter
Vocals: Hiromu Shinohara, Junko Shinohara, Hiroki Shinohara, Yoko Kobayashi, Katsuyo Hayashi, Deborah Ruth Trotter
Taking the sound, lyrics, etc. and putting together the video: Ryan Esch
Pics were taken from Pixaby.com

There is still more work to do on this song, but I wanted to release a simple version on the 10th anniversary of the big earthquake and tsunami in memory of that event with the desire that people who experienced that will receive healing in their hearts.
With the anniversary of that disaster and the past year of CoVid hardship, people need some rest and healing for their hearts. May this song be soothing to your soul.

We will continue to work on it to make a better version and release it at a later time.
The video had some glitches, but there was a short time to prepare it after the music was recorded.


訳詞: 田中 佳子
作曲(歌・ピアノ・大正琴パート):真下 麻里子
電子サックス(アドリブ部分)作曲:篠原 弘
歌: 篠原 弘
  篠原 淳子
篠原 弘貴
  小林 洋子
  林 克世
打楽器: 小林 洋子
電子サックス(クラリネットモード): 篠原 弘
大正琴: トロッター・デボラ・ルツ
ピアノ: 真下 麻里子
ピアノ(練習時):後藤 明子
音声・画像: ライアン・エッシュ

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