How To Buy An I Bond: Step By Step Tutorial | What To Do During Inflation

2 years ago

What to do during inflation? Why did we put $20,000 into an I bond investment? How does the I bond 7.12% rate (the I bond interest rate) work? Should I buy I bonds? This video: How to buy an I bond step by step tutorial (what to do during inflation) will answer all these questions & more!

💰 I bonds explained! What is an I bond & what makes I bonds good investment-wise during this inflation crisis? What are the restrictions (I bonds pros and cons)? Can you use an I bond for education purposes?

💸 The latest CPI number released on March 10, 2022 for February 2022 has inflation at 7.9% - another four-decade high. Inflation 2022 is not going away any time soon - in our mind - so watch on to figure out what you might be able to do about inflation and savings right now!

How can you protect the purchasing power of your excess cash as much as possible? And that’s why I’ll walk you through the exact process we used to purchase our 7.12% I bond - how to buy it via the Treasury Direct (step by step instructions)!

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