March 10'22_Mission Statement Inquiry

2 years ago

If you turn it on settle in be prepared for two hours plus on todays thoughts and visions for tomorrow.

With consideration to yesterdays food for thought, join me with consideration to our history, our present and tomorrow - as defined in my personal mission statement.

"Makes sense of our past, bring clarity to today and encompass a vision for tomorrow with which we can create a sustainable future."

The ride or die mentality is based off of fear and control so try your best to acknowledge it and not go that route! Peace is only found in understanding. When we choose to divert our focus - we have nothing to fear.
The choice is ours - the responsibility and liability lies within the corporation, institutions and government. If suing is the way out, then sue we must!
Crimes against humanity, murder, manslaughter, malpractice.... to name a few.
Will that create some attention and start giving us a means to an end on this ridiculous hampster wheel we are trapped on!?!
Absolutley. Hit 'em where it hurts - in their pocket books.

When it comes to playing God genetically modified livestock, vegetation and people is pure insanity.
Systems that are designed to damage our natural electro-chemical vibrations, frequencies and function are also insane - this technology is not welcome in my life.
The corporations can be held to account for both death and injuries.

As Alberta's history depicts a path well over a century long, genetic modification needs a light.
Shall we ask the Canadian Dairy Farmers Association about their famous holstein named Calamity Jane?

When we chose to harm NONE, this also means those who chose to ignore facts and continue their support to cause harm are not welcome here.
This IS our country and these are our lives.

P.S.If you are able to financially support your local shelters please do as our current system is leaving them behind.
Help those in need.
It is time for us to let go of the free-loaders and look after the victims that have been created - we CAN and we ARE doing better :)

Peace and love to everyone's homes and communities - it starts with you!

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