Psaki Calls Anti-Groomer Bill “Horrific” This critter wants sex and deviant thoughts taught to 3rd g

3 years ago

Psaki Calls Anti-Groomer Bill “Horrific” This critter wants sex and deviant thoughts taught to 3rd graders and younger? How Horrifying is this entire Administration?
(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Once separated from source or God, Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum)

These criminals are all pedophiles and
they want to mandate us so they can be free
to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths.
They are afraid of us and panicking.
What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity?
This weird wacko pseudo - medical cult religion is after our children!
These control elites are sick, sick, sick! How can some of these leaders, like Trudeau and Biden, possibly call themselves Catholics (Christians) and at the same time the pope CONveys they are good Catholics. Wake up people? Marcum. (Upset right now...going for a walk and get some sun. The stupidity of these creatures is beyond any human decency and they are inflicting this agenda on young children. They probably are not human. They past God's red-line.)

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(As a devoted Catholic, as more true nature of the evil around us is revealed it actually enforces our beliefs in God and as Christians. I have heard not one word from Canadian Bishops against the tyrannical Trudeau government or support towards freedom-loving Canadians. Most comments ask why I simply just leave the faith as a Catholic because I am so critical of our present Catholic leadership, especially the pope. My response is, I am not going nowhere, it is the evil infiltrators that have to leave the church (physically and spiritually). It is the evil satanic politicians, corrupt medical establishment, big tech manipulators, and church leaders that sold their souls for power and money that will be exposed and held accountable…either in this world or in the Courts of God.) Marcum

(Note: In my research, as a Canadian, I can assure you that Dominion Voting machines are used in key areas of Canada during a federal election. Do you think the Trudeau government actually had the votes to win the last snap election or any election in the past decade? So not only are un-elected medical officials dictating their evil psychopathic genocide narrative, corrupt media, but most likely dictated down by an illegitimate government - exactly as in the USA and other world countries.

(Note: In the USA you have these so-called RINOs (In Name Only), we have these hack politicians (In Name Only) like Erin O’Toole in Canada as well. Either paid-off, idiots or demonic psychopaths who sold their souls. With election fixes in, how many politicians or un-elected medical officials are part of this planned genocide and plandemic? They will have a lot to answer for in this life or the next. See: Canada's Chad EP. 86 - O'Toole Won't Support Truckers. )

THE FORUM OF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS (Shaping the future) – Graduates Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Jens Spahn, and Justin Trudeau among others. Global genocide planned for decades with certain leaders placed in position or through fraud elections. Trudeau was purposely positioned as our Prime Minister for this exact point of time.

“The Young Global Leaders … aligned with the World Economic Forum’s mission, we seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest. We are united by the belief that today’s pressing problems present an opportunity to build a better future across sectors and boundaries.” ...It's A Big Club And You Ain't In It.


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