Dr. Steven Tenenbaum - How Your Hormones Affect Your Success

3 years ago

Hear from Dr. Steven Tenenbaum, a board-certified Anti-Aging physician with over 20 years of clinical experience. He attended medical school at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. He is the author of Thyroid Secrets for Youthful Energy and Metabolism. His practice focuses on advanced preventative medicine with the early detection of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease. He has performed over 6,000 full-body ultrasounds. Dr. Tenenbaum has expertise in all forms of hormone replacement therapy. He also performs regenerative orthopedic injections, helping the body to heal itself from injuries and arthritis. His goal is to help his patients feel their best now and to do everything possible to make sure they live a long and vigorous life.

In this episode, you can expect to hear:

04:03 - How hormones function and how it impacts the brain functions

13:06 - Great analogy in medicine that Dr. Steven is giving to his patients

14:29 - The power of hormones

16:09 - Why does someone get sick and don't get better

18:30 - How does hormonal balance or imbalance impact one’s ability to think clearly and make good decisions

19:04 - What is testosterone replacement therapy and how do males benefit from it

25:38 - The difference between the Anti-Aging Doctors and Regular Doctors Naturopaths

29:07 - How hormones affect the immune system

Tune in to learn great lessons from Dr. Steven!

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