Legacy Media Has Censored Discussion on Putin's Views on NATO, the Azov Fighters and Bio-Weapon Labs

3 years ago

Today China has told the World that the USA has or had 26 Bio-Weapon Labs in Ukraine (and 336 total bio-weapon labs around the World). Recently a Russian General told a media press conference that the USA had 30 bio-weapons labs in Ukraine and the USA was doing some Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde experiments on Russian DNA as well as other chemical bio-weapons. This is one reason why Putin ordered the bio-weapons labs bombed - first thing - at the start of the war. Legacy media never acknowledged these attacks, the next two topics that the Legacy Media is not discussing is the amount of white supremacists that living and fighting in Ukraine. We have heard Putin say that he wants to 'Denazify' Ukraine and the number of Nazi's that are fighting Russian's in Crimea and the Donbass. The media reported on this for years, there are hundreds of videos on YouTube that discuss white supremacy in Ukraine, but right now all you hear are crickets from the media and they are calling out Putin for mentioning Nazi's in the Ukraine. The third topic that Legacy Media has silenced in any direct discussion regarding Ukraine is why Putin attacked Ukraine in the first place and that was Putin and Russian President's of the past have told NATO that they do not want Ukraine to join their 'club' and put missiles on the border of Russia and Ukraine. Putin has been saying for 14 years that if Ukraine joins NATO there will be trouble. Now Putin has attacked and the Legacy Media does not like to talk about why he did it. One other topic that the Legacy Media has totally ignored id the amount of corruption that exists in the Zeleskyy government. He has surrounded himself with some of Ukraines biggest oligarchs and his name appears all throughout the Panama Papers. Zeleskyy's pockets are full of dirty money, but you will not hear anything about that from Legacy People. More to come later...

#LegacyMedia #Silence #UkraineRussiaWar

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Related links:

Russian General Talking About 30 American Bio-Weapons

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