don't know, don't care - presstitutes + COVID data

3 years ago

British ITV's Robert Peston being asked by Common folk if he thought it was "scientific" to invalidate the control group in the Pfizer trials by jabbing the placebo group with the Spike,,,,, of which the eejit knows absolutely nothing & seems utterly unperturbed by his own ignorance.

Another establishment fop who happily collaborated with the COVIDian Cult's tyranny, spreading lies & fear porn to perpetuate the horror of lockdowns, societal division, fake science & jab coercion.

Robert Peston is ITV News' political editor and presenter of ITV's Wednesday night politics show, "Peston".

With this level of wilful (gleeful?) ignorance of a key element pertaining to perhaps the most important topic of our generation, one has to wonder why on earth these fkwits are granted license to broadcast on the public airwaves??!

Perhaps Berty will go away & do some fkn research for a change,,,,, or maybe not.

As Mark Twain put it so succinctly:
"It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled",

especially if your career is dependent on not looking like an ignorant twat.

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