Willy Rice on Social Justice

3 years ago

Willy Rice is nominated to be president of the Southern Baptist Convention. What does he believe about social justice?

Willy Rice #1 Video: https://youtu.be/dRqcL2DQOJQ

Willy Rice #2 Video: https://youtu.be/G0d32lNPnfw

Willy Rice's Woke Panel: https://youtu.be/bvkP0ZAd9_E

Help Me Understand: An Authentic Conversation on Race, Social Justice, and the Gospel: https://youtu.be/LupgB-DZCy8

Pastoral Reflections On A Political And Spiritual Crisis https://calvary.us/pastors-blog/political-and-spiritual-crisis/

Liberty and Justice for All: https://subsplash.com/calvarychurch-florida/media-archive/mi/+jtp44pw

The Hard Work of Unity: https://subsplash.com/calvarychurch-florida/media-archive/mi/+yxmj5vy

The Emancipation of Slavery on the Sacred Pages of Scripture: https://subsplash.com/calvarychurch-florida/media-archive/mi/+9fwxkv4

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