The JFK Files

3 years ago

Through my research, I discovered there are thousands of documents that the government won't release to the American people concerning the assassination of our president. If Oswald really did it, if the Warren Commission's findings were 100% accurate, what purpose does it serve to conceal these documents as the government has for so long? What are our elected officials hiding from us more than 50 years later? Perhaps what they're afraid of is that we'll figure it out: that the Assassination was really not the act of a crazed lone gunman, but actually a coup d'état by LBJ and the CIA. It's quite telling to me that, in spite of being ordered to release the JFK Assassination files, by an Act of Congress, there are thousands of documents that are being kept secret forever, and one of the MANY misdeeds of Donald J. Trump presidency was to keep it that way when he had the [historic] opportunity to make those documents public.

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