Popeye Live - March 9th 2022 - Too Little Too Late - Where Are The Tools

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Take no prisoners we are still on YT - Maybe we're striking a cord common sense sometimes does that - It was reported this morning the potato head thinks Ukraine can not win this war and he's going to make sure by not sending necessary tools to do so - all this after we convinced them to give up their nuclear weapons after the fall of the soviet union - Who the hell could ever trust us? -

Don't worry Kamala is finally heading to the border - no no not our border she's in charge of fixing - the Polish border - the again maybe not - would be a bad photo image for us folks back home - just think of the idiots running the country - an energy sec that knows nothing about energy and a transportation sec that knows nothing about transportation - we promise you it's that way throughout the fed government - join us tonight we'll take no prisoners together ... all that and energy facts - Where are the tools?

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