TINFOIL OIL - Bio Lab Rabbit Holes and Cyborg Vivariums #456 (Live)

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Canary Cry News Talk #456 - 03.09.2022
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App Made by Canary Cry Producer: Truther Dating App

Clip: Biden bans Russian oil, warns gas prices
→ Clip Flashback: Trump 2020 campaign, Biden gas price prediction

US rejects Poland offer for Migs to Ukraine, NATO disharmony (WBNC/CBS)
Aliens?: UFO attacked Russian forces, says CBN News’ Ukraine Director (IB Times)

Nationwide home assistance robots, Labrador, for stay at home seniors (Dispatch)

Source 4/2020: Ukraine op group calls for probe on US labs (TASS/Russia)
→ China pushes conspiracy theory about labs in Ukraine (Bloomberg)

Clip: Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland mentions “biological research facilities” in Ukraine
Source 2012: Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion…Biolabs (Nat’l Acad. of Sci.)

The Power of False War Propaganda (The Daily Beast)
-connection with the US Gov Ad Buy’s for vaccine = state TV (The Blaze)

4th jab could be silver bullet to anti-vax crisis (Fortune)
Moderna to build mRNA factory in Kenya (CNBC)
→ Florida’s top health official says no child should get jab, calls it “reckless” (Wapo)
CA Officials raid preschool, question 2 year old about masks (NY Post)

Clip: Tucker Carlson guest says we’re headed towards “Cyborg Vivarium” (Media Matters)
→ New patent to allow people to control cars with their brains (PowerNationTV)

Meta celebrated black history month with “Afrofuturistic” world (Twitter)

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