Bates College Wants To Join The Woke Brigade | Ep.42

3 years ago

On this week’s episode of the Campus Countdown, Campus Reform senior correspondent Addison Pummill discusses the editor-in-chief of a student newspaper at Oklahoma State University who was forced to resign after writing an opinion piece critical of the school’s mask policy.

"The issue here is not the violation of the senate bill, rather, the issue is the hypocrisy and one-sidedness of the O’Colly editorial board", Pummill said. "Farris’s article was labeled as an op-ed two days after it was published, but even in an article classified as an opinion piece, her views and experiences have been silenced."

In the rest of the episode, Campus Reform correspondent Leanna Dippie joins to discuss Indiana University’s new hiring initiative that will cost the school tens of millions of dollars, and Pummill elaborates on a Bates College student group demands for required "white supremacy", "power and privilege" and "colonialism" courses, and in the woke tweet of the week, Pummil breaks down Simmons University professor Rachel Gans-Boriskin's tweet, claiming she told two elderly men collecting signatures to promote voter I.D. laws to be "ashamed" of themselves.

Watch the full episode above for full coverage on all of these stories.

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