WGGB-TV40 1995 Programming Excerpts

2 years ago

Programs and advertisements from August 1995 that were broadcast on WGGB-TV40, a Western Massachusetts ABC affiliate:

11:00 to 31:43 - The Dan Yorke Show with guest host Tom Devine featuring Richard Doyle the Twig Painter.

0 to 8:27 - Nightline with host Chris Wallace whose guests Congressman John Dingle, Ann McBride from Common Cause and Jack Bonner of Bonner & Associates discuss campaign finance reform.

5:27 - Ace Hardware ad.

5:42 - Siemans ad.

6:12 - Advil pain reliever ad.

6:59 - Hamburger Helper Three Cheese ad.

7:29 - Franzia Wine ad.

7:44 - Chicopee anti-smoking ad.

8:39 - Roseanne Show promo.

8:56 - Dave Madsen 25th anniversary promo.

9:26 - Pop Secret popcorn ad.

9:57 - Anti-Violence ad by Springfield Cable Endowment.

10:28 - TV40 Kid Reporters segment.

10:57 - Linda and Paul news promo.

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