6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - March 9th

3 years ago

#6MinuteDaily #EntertainmentNews2022 #CultureCasino

So the 6 Minute daily is your BLAST of entertainment news and pop culture! The show goes LIVE after the 3 minute musical prelude "sound check" It stays up for the current week at least and then gets archived Odysee.

00:00 Sound Check and Shout Outs
03:42 Disney's Controversies Going Into Annual Meeting
05:02 Jedd Zucker's Exit Finalized
05:18 Taron Egerton Collapses
05:44 A Strange Thing Happened at a Bank
06:18 New York Times Pulls "Fake News" From "Bear" Country
06:39 Theaters in "Bear Country" Have Fewer Films - Don't Worry Though
07:02 Moonfall Heads for Further Failure In Unlikely Market
07:23 Spotify Has It's Issues
07:44 Big Tech Grabs America's Game Amidst Lockout
08:04 Netflix and an Ad Supported Future?
08:20 Feds After Options Buyers in Microsoft Acquisition
08:42 Bob Backish Goes Bearish & Cute Production in Half
09:02 Obi Wan Trailer is "Here"-ish - More Like First Look
09:15 WME Drops Party For Virtue Signal
10:02 Credits and Promotions

Check Out Today's Video on Strange Galactic Starcruiser "Anomalies" - https://youtu.be/_8uzIzsZMMM

Don't Miss Today's MEitM is a First Look at Obi Wan - https://youtu.be/A4F5YxG3zSY

Then Check Out - Street Smatz on MadBarber Entertainment - https://www.youtube.com/c/MadBarberEntertainment

Wednesday LIVE will likely be gut busting - Also on MadBarber Entertainment

Wrap it all up with Sporking News Podcast - Humpty Dump https://www.youtube.com/c/SporkingNewsPodcast

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TITLE: 6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - March 9th

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