Dr. Lee Vliet ~ Hospitals are being Incentivized to KILL Covid Patients

2 years ago

Dr. Lee Vliet joins Stew Peters to blast open and expose the corrupt federal operation to kill off Covid-19 patients by paying off doctors and hospitals with financial incentive. She says a minimum of $100,000 if they follow all CDC Guideline Protocols. Hospital Administrators know they will be paid extra for PCR testing, Covid Diagnosing, Admission to Hospital, Use of Remdesivir adds a 20% payment BONUS from our Government on the ENTIRE Medical Bill just for using Remdesivir instead of other medications that work in a matter of hours like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, the Hospital receives and INCENTIVE Payment or placing a patient on a Ventilator, hospitals receive more money if the DEATH is diagnosed as Covid- even though it may not be from Covid and the Coroners get their little BONUS their diagnosis on Death Certificate.
Outpatient Medical Practices and Outpatient Clinics are paid more under Medicare and Medicaid Services based on a HIGHER Percentage of their patients being Vaccinated. It is called "Value Based Payments." These go to the Outpatient Practice. Attorney Tom Renz calculates that Hospital Administrators are making $100,000 minimum that hospitals are receiving for testing, covid diagnosis, admission, treatment with Remdesivir and Ventilator and for Covid being the cause of Death. Now imagine if Hospital Admins were paid for actually SAVING Lives ~ they would trash this protocol in a heartbeat and be pushing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine but now they may very well be held to account for Crimes Against Humanity.

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MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)
Even one drop of the Miracle Mineral Solution produces significant chlorine dioxide that targets germs, bacteria, and viruses while at the same time causing no damage to normal living cells.
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