Women Who Work Full Time Still Earn 15% Less Than Men

2 years ago

Why do women earn less than men even though they both work full time?
A very high percentage of women in developing countries work in the informal sector. These jobs do not provide the benefits of full-time work in the formal sector including steady wages, adequate occupational health and safety conditions, job security, and social protection. In the absence of policy measures to improve earning and employment opportunities for women, there is little evidence that the situation will improve soon.
The main reason women hold part-time jobs is that they cannot find full-time jobs. Child care and work in the home are the other main factors.
Part-time or full-time, women's jobs are often the least secure. "Women still tend to be the last to be hired and the first to be fired," Women's employment is primarily concentrated in a few industries (especially services, where access to jobs is easier but wages are often lower and job security minimum). Even within those industries, women are centered at the bottom.

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